Wound Care Panel

Wound Care Panel
Molecular PCR Testing
A PCR test uniquely designed for our wound care physicians and ALF/SNF facilities. Testing an impressive 43 pathogens, our three-step test has a 24 hour turnaround time for PCR and includes an Antibiotic Susceptibility Test (AST).
Why Real-Time PCR
â–º The “gold standard” of infectious disease testing
â–º Precise results within 24 hours
â–º Captures genetic makeup for wide range of microbes
â–º Results not affected by current AB use
Our Offering
â–º Robust panel with 42 pathogens
â–º Designed specifically for our wound care physicians and ALF/SNF facilities
â–º Two Components
• PCR via ThermoFisher QuantStudio5® (24 hrs)
• Sanford Guide® content for best practices
Our “Priority + Program”
â–º Open saturdays & emergency hours
â–º Dedicated patient hotline for all EOB/billing questions
â–º Internal FTE’s (at lab) for office/facility support
â–º Best-in-Class LIMS system
â–º No cost for EMR integration