Premium Diagnostic Testing Services
PCR Testing Panels
Urinary Tract Infection Panel (UTI)
Molecular UTI is a breakthrough test utilizing PCR to provide rapid and accurate identification. Our three-step test provides the best science available with robust treatment options which include a UA, a UTI Report, and a PharmD treatment plan.
We proudly offer 38 pathogen targets & 33 resistant genes.
Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP)
Respiratory Pathogen Panel (RPP) detects specific nucleic acid pathogens from patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of respiratory illness. RPP testing provides proper diagnosis and detection of both viral and bacterial infections with 24 hour turnaround time. Covid-19 is included on our 30 pathogen panel. Respiratory panel testing is non-invasive which helps to minimize patient’s discomfort.
Wound Care Panel
A PCR test uniquely designed for our wound care physicians and ALF/SNF facilities. Testing an impressive 43 pathogens, our three-step test has a 24 hour turnaround time for PCR and includes an Antibiotic Susceptibility Test (AST).
Nail Pathology Panel
Designed for our Podiatrists and ALF/SNF facilities, molecular PCR nail testing helps our providers identify nail problems associated with systemic disease states. Our impressive 37 pathogen panel includes bacterium and a broad fungal spectrum with 16 markers.
Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (GPP)
A variety of viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi can cause infections of the digestive system gastrointestinal infections. Our Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel detects the genetic material (RNA or DNA) of some of the more common pathogens. We proudly offer 34 pathogens with a 24 hour turnaround time.

QTLD PharmD Guidance
PCR is a critically important tool to help providers identify resistance genes which are used to provide directed therapy as opposed to an empirical approach. This is why PCR and Pharmacy Guidance is now becoming the gold standard for providing a targeted and accurate approach to treatment.
QTLD has developed a team of pharmacists to service our clients with enhanced PharmD Guidance. Click Here to Learn More!